Thursday, May 2, 2013

What Makes a Good Prospect?

Researchers are tasked with preparing information on donors and potential supporters to the organization.  Most importantly our responsibilities include finding future major donors.  Criteria for identifying major gift prospects include gathering real estate holdings, business information, and giving to other organizations.  Taking the time to understand what your organization’s mission, values, and connections are can enhance your prospecting efforts.  This exercise helps identify who likely has an affinity for your organization and provides a way to make introductions.

If you are prospecting for a university, then take a look at the mission.  Come up with an overview of qualities you would look for in your alumni base or for a specific area of the university.  If you are prospecting for a nonprofit organization, then read through the mission and values.  Use these ideals to identify key volunteers and supporters who could likely make an impact for the organization.  Look for possible connections among volunteers and board members.  The more time you spend analyzing how your major gift prospect connects to the organization and what interests them, the stronger your case is for getting a development officer to qualify them.

Melissa Sridaromont, Secretary, APRA MidSouth

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